
White Paper

How to Be Successful in the Digital Health Revolution

As healthcare continues to shift more toward accountable care, healthcare organizations are looking for ways to quickly and securely access patient data to deliver more meaningful population management, patient engagement, and disease state analytics.

New incentives from the federal government and healthcare payers are driving a revolution in the generation and collection of patient data. Patients and providers are using this new wave of data to keep patients out of the hospital and drive better clinical decision making. Established companies and upstarts are competing to create new devices patients can wear to collect this data every day. Hospitals and technology vendors are looking for the best way to organize the data to use it in a way that drives clinical success.

In this white paper:

  • Examples of cutting-edge devices patients and healthcare providers are using right now and where experts expect health technology to go next
  • How one company is creating an industry-leading hub that provides easy access to and use of healthcare information
  • Why healthcare IT vendors will drive the next revolution in patient health and hospital operations


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